In the name of Jesus

Her legs swung nervously back and forth under her chair from the stand. I couldn't help but notice that her scuffed up vans couldn't even reach the floor. It was as if her eyes were laser beams, burning a hole into the ground for her great escape. I'm sure she would if she could. Thirteen …

daughter of the troops

I sat in the drivers side of the rental car, windows rolled down on a hot mid-afternoon in July across from the sweetest face, the bravest soul, a daughter of troops. I stared into her glassy brown eyes for over three hours as she poured out her narrative, breaking only for the interpretation from the …

be still.

the past two years have brought about some of the best, most thrilling, days of my life. whether riding a motorcycle across Scotland, turning in my thesis to Queens, or attending an event at the White House and watching President Obama dance to Thriller, they have been far from dull days. in each adventure and …